Page name: across the universe [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-04-04 01:13:47
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Across The Universe

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....
[RESTARTED ON 09/20/2010!!!!!!!]

K so this is a wiki based on Across the Universe (my favorite musical ever!!!! i mean come on jim sturgis is cuter then hell xD)
Anyways this RPG takes place in the 60's where there's all sorts of turmoil and sadness and stuff :D
This is basically a love story but with some twists

NEW chat for this wiki to put idea's or whatever --> Across the questions



Name: Jude
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Originally from Liverpool, England; Jude came to the United States to try and find his father. He met a girl and fell in love, he moved to New York illegally to try and stay with her things however quickly spun out of control...he's an amazing artist and wants to find a job drawing somewhere
Any Powers: He can sing randomly xD
Other Info: none yet
<img:> Maxwell's Silver Hammer (xD max is apparently a murderer xD not really but yea google te song :D on another note clearly Max is a slut lookit his pants xD) and Jude with his random strawberries :D
<img:> Jude's new shiba inu puppy Shep, for some reason Shep LOVES John xD like litterally loves him xD

Name: Maxwell (Max) Carrigan
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Max is in his own words: "An unmotivated college dropout" his rich parents sent him to college where he prompltly dropped out, he grew tired of his parents telling him what a disapointment he was and moved to new york with his best friend Jude to try and escape it. He recently recieved and burnt a draft card
Any powers: He can shift to a wolf
Other Info: nope
<img:> woo a good emo pic xD not sure why he always looks so emo o.o he was only emo in like a third of the movie @_@
<img:> slighty better but he looks emo >.<
<img:> fluffy wolf form >:D

Max's puppy Zeus

Name: Lucy Carrigan
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short history: Lucy is Max's little sister, closer to her parents then max. She hates war and is very pro peace her first boyfriend was killed in the war she is a former lover of Jude and is pregnent with his child. She was part of an anti war group but left after discovering they were building bombs
Any Powers: none
Other info: She is very protective of Max
<img:> Lucy & Max

Name: Paul 'Bruce' Dickinson [last one i promise xD]
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual but prefers the ladies
Short History: Bruce has lived in England with his grandparent's his full life however when they both died he found it too depressing to stay there so he moved to New York to start a new life. He's an amazing singer and fencer and dreams of becoming a pilot someday
Any Powers: his cuteness :D and he can shift to a wolf :D
Other info: none

Name: JoJo [k this is my last one xD]
Age: 37
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: JoJo has lived in New York his whole life and loves it, he's the landlord to Jude and Max. He fought in the war and is still traumatized by it but he hides it well and doesn't think it does any good to try and hide from it.
Any Powers: nope
Other info: he's a singer and a guitarist


[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Garnet Lacey
Short History:Garnet grew up in New York her whole life and her family own a huge recording company, while she works in a cafe because she refuses to take money off her parents. She wants to be a fashion designer or a writer.
Any Powers: Can freeze time?
Other Info: The reason she became a lesbian is because her uncle raped her from the age of 13 and she has been put off men ever since then. Oh and she is Rei's best friend, he is the one guy she can stand to be around.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Summer Van Alen
Short History:She is Garnet's best female friend and ex girlfriend too. Summer gose to NYU, studying art because she wants to be an artist.Summer got preagant at age 16 with her ex boyfriend Colin's baby, her parents where out raged and kicked her out the house, so Summer went to live with her best friend Garnet's house. She gave up her son to her sister, Jenny, because she couldn't get preagant but she told her sister that she would like to be in her son's like, they agreed to it. So Summer acts as Mark's auntie, spending time with him three times a week but at times Summer wants to tell him the truth but she can't because of her sister.
Any Powers:She has the power of a slut XD
other Info:She smokes, drinks and dose drugs

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Marcus William Van Alen (Nut he gets called Mark)
Sexuality:Too young :P
Short History: Mark is the son of Summer and Colin. His mother was only 16 when she give birth to him as his father left his mother. His mother gave him up to his auntie Jenny because she couldn't get preagant. So he thinks that Summer is his auntie but really she is his mother but he dosen't know.


Name: Rei Akito
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: is a professional singer and has lived in new york his whole life though lately he's been slipping lately getting into drugs and alcohol
any powers: err he can shape shadows into whatever he wants?
other info: none

Name: Nikolai
Age: 32
Sexuality: gay
Short History: been a drug dealer since he was 16 he doesnt use just sells
Powers: power of persuasion
other info: none
<img:><img500*0:stuff/aj/49600/shibapup.jpg> Nikki's rat crystal and his puppy Dragon :D

Name: Belle McDaniel
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: recently came moved to new york to find her aunt to get away from her abusive father
Powers: she can see into the future
other info:...

Name: Amy Lee Hartzler but she goes by Alex
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: she's moved around a lot she's currently in new york to well she doesnt know yet all she knows is that she wants to help her country and fight for it but since she's a woman they wont allow it so she keeps her hair in a ponytail and pinned under a hat she always wears she does everything she can to make her look like a boy so she can be drafted she has documents and everything that says alex but they're all forged
Powers: none
Other info: is a girl masquerading as a boy


Name: Marcus
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Short History: He lived in london for a long time then moved to new york recently.
Any Powers: Can change to a wolf and control and create fire
Other Info: Allergic to chocolate and Silver

Name:John Jameson
History:John was in a gang back in Irland and he saw a lot of folk get killed and he helped with the killing too but one night, the guilt of what he did got to him.So he went to the cops and told them everything, he was only 15 at the time. He went to Juvenile prison until about 6 months ago when he finshed his time in the big house. So now he's in...yeah here in New York.
Personallity:Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
Powers: Pyromancer!
Other in hiding...he left his gang, when shit go too hot, confessed yadda yadda, but nayway, he knows how to build bombs and shit :D


extra wiki's

Across The Universe deleted scenes for all yer sex perv's xD new one's will also be here

Across The Universe Full Movie for those of you who wish to watch teh movie :D

Across The Universe The Songs admit it you want to see Jim Sturgis singing xD

Across the Questions for question's and ideas :D

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "That is so shallow of you. But okay, whatever. Just go." Garnet said.

Summer was looking down, she was a little hurt and she was embarrassed too.

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "im doing it to help so you can keep the baby"

Belle smiled getting the same thing as Bruce did then took a seat at booth

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max, "Woah wait a minute how is it shallow of me to not bother in a relationship where someone is terrified of dogs? Zeus is like a kid to me and if it was someone not wanting kids and I had a son would I still be shallow?" he asks Garnet

Bruce smiles gettin his then hops to another booth

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle chuckled watching Bruce.

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and sips a little :O >:D then drinks it quickly

Lucy nods and smmiles a little, "i'll consider it"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle giggled.

Nikolai "but if you dont trust my dirty money then im sure rei would help you"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Oh my god, Garent. Lets just get out of here." She stood up and she grabed Garnet's arm and she draged her out the booth then out the shop.

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max raises a brow, "Right I'm the shallow one here, she wouldn't even reply to a perfectly valid point" he rolls his eyes and gets up, "Jude can you cover the pizza?"

Jude nods, "yea mate" he pays for their food

Bruce smiles and bounces, "oooh I want another :D"

Lucy, "I didn't say that and thank you again"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle chuckled softly.

Nikolai "welcome and i know that but some people just get antsy when dealin with drug money"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Hey why did you do that, Summer? I was going to answer his question." Garnet frowned,

Summer sighed."You where going to start a sence in there."

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles ordering 10 of them :D

Lucy nods, "well it's better ten no money"

Jude and Max leave and head to their apartment

Max smiles and gets Zeus out of his kennel, "there's my big boy hi"

Zeus wags his tail licking Max

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle giggled "oh dear"

Rei headed to his apartment arguing with the door "stupid door open"

Nikolai nodded "yea thats true"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer and Garent walked to Summer's apartment

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and bounces as he drinks them all, "OMG IT'S THE BEST DRINK EVER!!!!!!!!" he says uber quickly

Max eeps a little, "ahhh no titus!" he tries to catch the pup but isn't fast enough

Titus barks cutely runnin out of the apartment wagging his tail

Jude and Max quickly follow

Lucy nods then smiles writting her number down, "Here"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle started laughing.

Rei was occupied with opening his door.

Nikolai smiled "alright then" he wrote his down as well "and here you go"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Wha?"

Titus barks and runs outside waggin his tail

Max pants a little as he chases his dog

Lucy smiles bac, "Thank you"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "i think you've had enough"

Nikolai "welcome" he rose his brow at the dog and Max he knelt down holding out his hand "here puppy" he whistled

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But I love it :O"

Zeus barks happily and rushes to Nikolai, pouncing him and licking him

Lucy can't help but giggle as she grabs Zeus' collar, "Hi there Zeus"

Max catches up panting softly, "So sorry about him" he says pickin up Zeus

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "quite alright seemed you were havin a bit of trouble catching him"

Belle smiled "you can still drink it just in moderation and not like 11 cups at a time"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: max nods, "He's kinda a hassle sometimes" he admits pettin Zeus, "he just wants to run and it's hard in an apartment I'm Max by the way"

Lucy giggles, "Well hi Max fine don't say hi to me bastard"

Bruce smiless back, "Why?"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "im nikolai some call me nikki for short"

Belle smiled "cause its healthier that way"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max smiles purprosfully ignoring Lucy to tease her, "Awesome and this big guy is Zeus he's my kid sorta"

Lucy rolls her eyes and kicks Max's shin >:D

Max jumps, "Ouch Luce so not cool"

Bruce, "Hmmmm you may have a point" he smiles, "I'm Bruce by the way"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "siblings?"

Belle smiled "and im belle"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Yea she's my sister" he rubs his shin still holdin Zeus

Lucy giggles, "How'd you guess?"

Bruce smiles back, "Well pleased to meet ya"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "the way you two were acting"

Belle nodded "Nice to meet you too"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "He started it" she giggles

Bruce smiles, "So whats up?"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "i see"

Belle smiled "Not much just reading"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy smiles and nods petting Zeus, "Well I'll see ya two later" she walks off

Zeus whines, 'i wanna go to the zoo'

Max smiles, "No zeus"

Bruce, "Pffffft how boring"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "awe why not?"

Belle chuckled "is not"

Amy walked down the street she had her disguise on so she looked like a boy instead of a girl she never made eye contact with anyone because she knew her facial features would give her away and she couldnt have that

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was at the zoo with her nephew Mark, she was staying outside the tiger cages with him, weaing a beautiful short pink and blue dress.

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "They don't allow dogs at the zoo do they?"

Zeus whines, 'but dad!!'

Bruce smiles, "SOunds boring"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark ran over to a dog and petted it."Auntie Summer lookie lookie it's a doggie!" he giggled.

Summer whimperes a little."Marky come back here."

Mark frowned and walked over to his auntie as the owner of the dog chuckled softly.

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "I dont think so"

Amy looked around for a moment as she walked.

Belle smiled back "reading is fun"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Zeus barks

Max smiles, "Fine fine we'll go see" he chuckles, "See ya" he says to Nikolai and walks to the zoo with Zeus

Jude see's Amy and tilts his head, "you ok?"

Bruce, "Pfffft is not"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer took Mark's hand and they looked at the tigers as Mark eats candy floss

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "bye"

Amy jumped nodding "im fine"

Belle chuckled "is too"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Look at that boy they do allow dogs"

Zeus wags his tail and barks, 'I wanna see the tigers dad!' he drags max to see the tigers

Jude, "Why'd ya jump?"

Bruce smiles, "I'd rather rock"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nicked some of Mark's candy floss with a giggle as she ate it.

"Hey! Thats mine! Mark pouted.

"Awww so cute when you pout." She giggled and hugged him. Mark and Summer look so much alike, well thats because Summer is his mother but she wasn;t ready for motherhood so she give him to her sister who couldn't get preagant.

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "sorry just new here thats all" she did her best to hide her feminine voice

Belle chuckled "rock?"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Zeus sniffs and catches the scent of the candy, he sits by Max's heal and whimpers, puttin his front paws up as he begs

Max smiles, "Oh Zeus what do you want?"

Jude nods and smiles, "Me as well so don't feel bad"

Bruce, "Yeah ya know sing? rock out? party?"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy nodded "ive been hoping to get drafted"

Belle smiled "ah cool"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [JOIN CORPSE DAMN YOU Xd]

Jude frowns, "Why?"

Bruce smiles back, "Yes yes it is"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woooooo yes you must :D]

Amy "cause i want to help my country and this way i dont have to do the physical check up"

Belle smiled "ive never seen anyone rock"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I might bring John or Isaac i here, well the photo anyway :D

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [you should :D cuz i want your epic here :D]

Jude, "But it's...people get murdered"

Bruce gasps, "Then come and I shall show you!"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy shook her head "thats not the point of it i want to join and help protect people here i want its a belief to stand up for freedom and protect those here who cant themselves ya know?"

Belle giggled "um sure"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude, "Yea but do they allow women?"

Bruce smiles, "K tomorrow I have an audition you can come if ya want"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [okayh okay fine! I'll bring the emo john... well not emo but just depressed?]

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy rose her brow "Im a boy the name is alex what do you mean do they allow women?"

Belle smiled "sure i'll be there"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [sweet >:D]

Jude smiles softly, "Coulda fooled me your voice is very feminine"

Bruce miles back, "Awesome"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy looked around "promise to keep it secret?"

Belle smiled "so what time is your audition?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "Yea"

Bruce, "Noon at the hide a way club"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy hugged him "thanks"

Belle smiled "i'll be there"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude nods huggin back, "Welcome"

Bruce smiles back, "Awesome"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "you're a pretty cool guy"

Belle smiled "see ya around?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I know it"

Bruce smiles back, "of course"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled nodding "well thats good"

Belle smiled "well i gotta go"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I gotta go though"

Bruce smiles, "Bye"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy nodded "have fun"

Belle smiled back "bye" she quietly left.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "I will" he smiles and goes home

Bruce, "Bye" he frons a little

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled heading home changing her clothes so that she looked like herself and went for a walk down the street she walked by the coffee shop.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce stretches and looks around the shop curiously

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy backtracked and went into the coffee shop

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles sipping at his last coffee

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy ordered a coffee "thank you very much"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce yawns, "damnit coffee your not that great"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy chuckled "i agree it could be better"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce, "aye it so could" he looks over then smiles, "Well hi"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "hello to you too"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Sup?"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [QUICK pick one, Isaac or John, Isaac John can make things interesting.]

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [either or its up to you ^^]

Amy smiled "not much just goin for a walk"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [But...kitteh, help me get into ze rp as soon as he's up?]

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [yes :D i agree :D]

Bruce, "pffft lame"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [WOLVIE!]

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [um belle is walking home and nikolai is sellin drugs :D err rei is still tryin to get into his apartment XD]

Amy smiled "what else am i to do?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [bruce is with amy, max is at teh zoo, jojo is errrrr dead xD no nappin? and jude disapeared cuz he's epic xD]

Bruce, "errrrrrrrrr....good point"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John just got off the boat, yes he's fresh FRESH off the boat. A military like duffle bag slung over his shoudler, he looked around. "So this is America?" he'd question, keeping quiet and to himself.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled holding out her hand "Amy Lee Hartzler"

Belle hummed walking down the street.

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark hugged Summer back."You can have a bit of my candy but not all of it."He said cutely.

Summer chuckled and nodded."Sure thing." She took a little bit of Candy floss

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John continued on his way keeping his head down as he plucked a rolled up cigarette into his mouth and lit it.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle looked off to the side not paying a bit of attention as she bumped into John "eep im sorry"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John grunted. "Nay lass, tis all me fault, wasn't looking." he'd say looking up to her and adjusting his hat. [Same one Max is wearing :D]

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "no no it was mine something caught my eye and i looked to the side"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Dat's not yet fault, ye couldn't help dat, I could have, I should of been lookin up and not down." John smiled.

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Belle has no profile!]

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "You want some candy Zeus?"

Zeus barks and wags his tail

Max chuckles, "You silly boy you can't have candy" he gives Zeus a treat then hugs him

Bruce smiles and shkes, "Paul Bruce Dickinson pleased to meet ya"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [eep there's a letter difference i'll change but hers is bella above amy's :D]

Belle smiled "equal fault then"

Amy smiled back "ditto"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer walked over to the candy stall with Mark, cause she wanted some of her own candy floss.

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [use photobucket!]

John chuckled. "Much better. I'm John." he'd say extendig his hand.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [and nowshe's a princess xD]

Bruce smiles back and bows to her a little, "Well I reluctently should head home"

Max smiles softly, "Ok Zeus ready to leave the park and head home?"

Zeus lowers his ears and shakes his head

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i got that from google o.o i couldnt find any on photobucket i liked well if you've ever seen beauty and the beast thats who she looks like like belle]

Belle gently shook his hand "belle"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Wut? Who's a princess o.0]

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "have fun then"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "Pleasua ta meet ye."

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [belle xD well that pic is and I knows i'm just givin ya shit kitty i love that movie >.> :D]

Bruce smiles back, "But I don't wanna"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "likewise sir"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [epic XD it wasnt my first choice but i couldnt find one of her in the blue dress thing ya know? so i settled for that XD]

Amy chuckled "then dont?"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Put it on yer photo bucket, cause I can't sees it!]

John smiled. "Would ye like ta go ta dinna?"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i'll be changing it anyway and oh if anyone can find a good pic of belle in that blue dress could ya please put it up? cause i cant find one >.<]

Belle smiled "um sure why not"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [you should totally make her a princess! of the royal family in england!]

John smiled. "I just got 'ere, ye know any good placeS?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: ((<img:> this?))

Bruce smiles, "Well fine"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark saw Zeua."Puppy!" he ran over to him.

"Mark!" Summer shouted as she ran after him.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: ((<img:> this one's better))

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [the first was perfect thanks :D]

Belle "there's a little cafe down the street"

Amy giggled "you're odd"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Dat sounds perfect, lass." he'd smile.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled walking to the cafe

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: [pffffft good :D and your welcomes :D]

Max see's Mark and smiles softly, "Don't worry he's a good dog he won't hurt him"

Zeus wags his tail and stays sitting

Bruce smiles, "I know it"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "Im sure your girlfriend loves it"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Don't have one"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "now that i cant believe"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Why?"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer ran up to Mark, she knelt on the ground and she hugged him."Don't run off like that again."

"But puppy...."Mark pouted as Summer hugs him.

"Ask first when wait and see if you can or can't."Summer said as she pulled back and she patted his head.

"May I pet the puppy?"Mark asked.

"yes but no poodles." Summer said as Mark turned around and petted Zeus. Summer looked up."It's you. The guy that tryed to get both me and Garnet in the sack." She giggled softly as she stood up.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "cause you're really cute"

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John followed.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled as she sat down in a booth

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John sat across from her.

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle looked over the menu

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Zeus wags his tail and gently licks Mark

Max yawns then smiles, "Oh yea hey cute kid"

Bruce blushes and smiles, "Well thank you"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "welcome"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But your clearly lyin"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy shook her head "i would never"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark giggles."Ewwwww."

Summer smiled a little."Yeah he is. He's the cutest nephew in the world. Hey I'm sorry about what Garnet said at the pizza place. She was out of line"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Well then thanks but your cuter"

Max gently pulls Zeus back a little, "No lick zeus"

Zeus nods and stops lickin waggin his tail

Max smiles back, "it's ok I was probably out of line two"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark petted Zeus's head."Auntie can I get a puppy?"

"We'll ask your mummy about it when we get you home, sweetie." She smiled a little then she looked at Max."No you wheren't out of line. You where right."

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "Nah im not"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Zeus wags his tail and nuzzle's Mark

Max smiles softly, "Well if youu say so"

Bruce, "You arguin wif me?"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy "and what if i am?"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark smiled as he nuzzled him back.

"I#m Summer Van Alen."She smiled.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I'll have to kick your ass?"

zeus barks happily

Max smiles and pets Zeus, "Queiet you" he smiles back at Summer and offers his hand, "Maxwell Carrigan"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark petted Zeus more with a smile.

Summer shook his hand."Nice to meet you." she smiled

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "bring it then"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max shakes and nods, "And you two"

Zeus, 'Dad I like this kid can I keep him? he smiells like candy and cookie's and yummy stuffs'

Max chuckles, "No Zeus you can't keep him"

Bruce nods and pounces her

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy eeped and giggled "in a coffee shop?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and giggles, "You told me to bring it"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "true i did"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark poked Summer's leg."Auntie is that man coo koo?"

Summer laughed."No sweetie he isn't/"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce, "So I win"

Max smiles, "I'm only coo koo sometimes kid"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "this time maybe"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "The name is Mark not kid."he cutely glared at Max.

"Mark be nice."Summer said as she patted Mark's ice blonde hair.

"Yes auntie." He looked at Zeus and petted him.

"Sorry about my nephew"Summer said to Max

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Sweet whats my reward then?"

Max chuckles, "My bad my bad" he smiles, "No problem he's a cute kid"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy giggled "i dunno what do you want?"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yeah he is." Summer smiled a little.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I dunno?"

Max smiles back, "if he wants adog I know a good seller"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Really? That'd be great"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "well damn?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Yea but I thought you were afraid of dogs"

Bruce giggles, "Damn indeed"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "you're so odd"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'm only afraid of poodles." She chuckled

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "In a good way?"

Max smiles back, "Oh I see then"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "yep yep"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded."Yeah I know it's weird but those dogs freak me out"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Sweet" he hops off and does a victory dance"

Max smiles, "That's not weird"

2010-09-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy sat up giggling at him

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "What?"

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Zeus sniffs at summer curiously

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: "yeah it is."Mark said.

Summer chuckled."You can't disagree with a cute kid like Mark."

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Well I wouldn't dare disagreewith him"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled softly.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max smiles and writes his number, "If you decide on that dog I oughta get going though"

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer took the bit of paper."Thanks." She smiled." And I'll give you a call if my sisters say yes for a dog."

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Max nods and smiles, "Ok come on Zeus" he leaves withZeus

2010-09-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mark and Summer look around the zoo some more

2010-09-22 [ArtworkA]: Nicky slumped down on one of the benches at the park, getting out his phone to see if his ex was serious about them both. See she still hadnt got back, he sighed heavily and looks about the park.

Cynthia hung out by the basketball court, praticing her shoots. Stopping every once in a while to drink some water but quickly got right back to the hoops.

2010-09-22 [wolvie]: Jojo is sitting outside of a cafe, playing his guitar and singing, "While my guitar gently weeps"

(( the song))

2010-09-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: John looked at the menu as well.

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "nothin"

Belle smiled "anything catch your eye on the menu?"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "A cheeseburger sounds nice." he'd say.

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "salad for me"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and motioend to the waitress, ordering the food.

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle smiled "thanks"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Your welcome."

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle looked around the cafe "ya know ive never actually been in here just heard of it"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Really now?"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Errrrrrrr I win?"

Jojo smiles softly as he finishes the song getting a few tips from people

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle nodded "really"

Amy smiled "this time"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded as the waitress walked off to put their order in.

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Belle "its a cute place"

2010-09-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [brb raid![

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Every other time two"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy giggled "Nope"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Yep?"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "No?"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Ummmm damn i forgot teh conversation"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy chuckled "me too"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Damnit this sucks"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "my bad"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back andpokes her nose

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy giggled "hey thats mine"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "And I can't poke it?"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "well i suppose you can"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Your really nice"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled "why thank you and so are you"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "But I should leave you alone or you're boyfriend'll kick mai ass"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy smiled back "i have no boyfriend"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce gasps, "you gotta be lyin"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy shook her head "Nope im not"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But...but...really you don't have one?"

2010-09-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Amy nodded "i really dont have one"

2010-09-23 [wolvie]: Bruce blushes, "Ummmm would you like to...can you...errrr nevermind"

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